Source code for grakel.graph_kernels

"""The main graph kernel class, implemented as a sci-kit transformer."""
import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np

from scipy.linalg import svd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from grakel.kernels import GraphletSampling
from grakel.kernels import RandomWalk
from grakel.kernels import RandomWalkLabeled
from grakel.kernels import ShortestPath
from grakel.kernels import ShortestPathAttr
from grakel.kernels import WeisfeilerLehman
from grakel.kernels import NeighborhoodHash
from grakel.kernels import PyramidMatch
from grakel.kernels import SubgraphMatching
from grakel.kernels import NeighborhoodSubgraphPairwiseDistance
from grakel.kernels import LovaszTheta
from grakel.kernels import SvmTheta
from grakel.kernels import OddSth
from grakel.kernels import Propagation
from grakel.kernels import PropagationAttr
from grakel.kernels import HadamardCode
from grakel.kernels import MultiscaleLaplacian
from grakel.kernels import MultiscaleLaplacianFast
from grakel.kernels import VertexHistogram
from grakel.kernels import EdgeHistogram
from grakel.kernels import GraphHopper
from grakel.kernels import CoreFramework

# Python 2/3 cross-compatibility import
from future.utils import iteritems

# Supported base kernels
sbk = [
    ["vertex_histogram", "subtree_wl", "VH", "ST-WL"],
    ["edge_histogram", "EH"],
    ["random_walk", "RW"],
    ["shortest_path", "SP"],
    ["graphlet_sampling", "GR"],
    ["subgraph_matching", "SM"],
    ["multiscale_laplacian", "ML"],
    ["lovasz_theta", "LOVT"],
    ["svm_theta", "SVMT"],
    ["neighborhood_hash", "NH"],
    ["neighborhood_subgraph_pairwise_distance", "NSPD"],
    ["odd_sth", "ODD"],
    ["propagation", "PR"],
    ["pyramid_match", "PM"],
    ["graph_hopper", "GH"]

sbks = set(e for ls in sbk for e in ls)

# Supported frameworks
sf = [
    ["weisfeiler_lehman", "WL"],
    ["hadamard_code", "HC"],
    ["core_framework", "CORE"]

sfs = set(e for ls in sf for e in ls)

# Supported kernels message
sep = u"\n \u27E1 "
sk_msg = ("Base-Kernels\n" + 12*"-" + sep + sep.join(','.join(synonyms) for synonyms in sbk) +
          "\n\nFrameworks\n" + 10*"-" + sep + sep.join(','.join(synonyms) for synonyms in sf))

# Defaults
default_n_components = 100

[docs]class GraphKernel(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): r"""A generic wrapper for graph kernels. Parameters ---------- kernel : list*(dict or str) A single element or a list of :code:`dict` with: * "name" : [str] - with the kernel name * "name_of_parameter_1" : value * "name_of_parameter_2" : value * :math:`\;\cdots\;` * "name_of_parameter_k" : value or of :code:`str`, designating a kernel name. available "name" or "name-alias" / "parametres" are: 1. base_graph_kernels (the structure must always reach a base kernel) - "vertex_histogram" or "subtree_wl" or "VH" or "ST-WL" + (**o**) "sparse" : bool or 'auto' - "edge_histogram" or "EH" + (**o**) "sparse" : bool or 'auto' - "random_walk" or "RW" + (**o**) "with_labels" : bool + (**o**) "lamda" : float + (**o**) "method_type" : [str], "baseline", "fast" + (**o**) "kernel_type" : [str], "geometric", "exponential" + (**o**) "p" : [int] > 0 - "shortest_path" or "SP" + (**o**) "algorithm_type" : [str] "dijkstra", "floyd_warshall" + (**o**) "as_attributes" : [bool] + (**o**) "metric" : [function] : (attribute_x, attribute_y) -> number + (**o**) "with_labels" : [bool] - "graphlet_sampling" or "GR" + (**o**) "k" : [int] + (**o**) "sampling" : [dict] or **None** - "multiscale_laplacian" or "ML" + (**o**) "which" : [str] "slow", "fast" + (**o**) "L" : [int] > 0 + (**o**) "gamma" : [float] > .0 + (**o**) "heta" : [float] > .0 + (**o**) "n_samples" : [int] > 0, if "which": "fast" + (**o**) "P" : [int] > 0, if "which": "fast" - "subgraph_matching" or "SM" + (**o**) "kv" : [function] : (node_x, node_y, Lx, Ly) -> number + (**o**) "ke" : [function] : (edge_x, edge_y, Lx, Ly) -> number + (**o**) "lw" : a lambda weight function for cliques: set -> number - "lovasz_theta" or "LOVT" + (**o**) "n_samples" : [int] > 1 + (**o**) "subsets_size_range" : [tuple] of two [int] + (**o**) "metric" : [function] (number, number) -> number - "svm_theta" or "SVMT" + (**o**) "n_samples" : [int] > 1 + (**o**) "subsets_size_range" : [tuple] with 2 [int] elements + (**o**) "metric" : [function] (number, number) -> number - "neighborhood_hash" or "NH" + (**o**) "nh_type" : [str] "simple" or "count-sensitive" + (**o**) "R" : [int] > 0 + (**o**) "bits" : [int] > 0 - "neighborhood_subgraph_pairwise_distance" or "NSPD" + (**o**) "r" : (int) positive integer + (**o**) "d" : (int) positive integer - "odd_sth" or "ODD" + (**o**) "h" : [int] > 0 - "propagation" or "PR" + (**o**) t_max: [int] > 0 + (**o**) T: [dict] [int]: [np.arrays] + (**o**) with_attributes: [bool], default=False + (**o**) M: [str] {"H", "TV"} if `with_attributes=True` else {"L1", "L2"} + (**o**) w: [int] > 0 + (**o**) metric: [function] x:[Counter] , y:[Counter] -> [number] - "pyramid_match" or "PM" + (**o**) with_labels: [bool] + (**o**) d: [int] > 0 + (**o**) L: [int] >= 0 - "graph_hopper" or "GH" + (**o**) kernel_type: [str: {'linear', 'gaussian'}] or [tuple: {('gaussian', mu)}] or [function] x:[(np.array, np.array)] , y:[(np.array, np.array)] -> [number] 2. frameworks (if a next kernel in the list it asssigned as a base-kernel, else see default) - "weisfeiler_lehman" or "WL" / default="VH" + (**o**) "n_iter" : [int] >= 0 - "hadamard_code" or "HC" / default="VH" + (**o**) "n_iter" : [int] > 0 - "core_framework" or "CORE" / default="SP" + (**o**) "min_core" : [int] >= -1 where (**o**): stands for optional parameters Nystroem : int or bool, optional Defines the number of nystroem components. To initialize the default (100 components), set -1 or 0. n_jobs : int or None, optional Defines the number of jobs of a joblib.Parallel objects needed for parallelization or None for direct execution. The use or not of this function depends on each kernel. normalize : bool, optional Normalize the output of the graph kernel. Ignored when Nystroem GraphKernel object is instanciated. verbose : bool, optional Define if messages will be printed on stdout. random_state : RandomState or int, default=None A random number generator instance or an int to initialize a RandomState as a seed. Attributes ---------- _initialized : dict Monitors which parameter derived object should be _initialized. kernel_ : function The full kernel applied between graph objects. nystroem_ : int Holds the nystroem, number of components. If not _initialized, it stands as a False boolean variable. components_ : array, shape=(n_components, n_features) Subset of training graphs used to construct the feature map. nystroem_normalization_ : array, shape=(n_components, n_components) Normalization matrix needed for embedding. Square root of the kernel matrix on ``components_``. component_indices_ : array, shape=(n_components) Indices of ``components_`` in the training set. random_state_ : RandomState A RandomState object handling all randomness of the class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, kernel="shortest_path", normalize=False, verbose=False, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, Nystroem=False): """`__init__` for `GraphKernel` object.""" self.kernel = kernel self.normalize = normalize self.verbose = verbose self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state self.Nystroem = Nystroem self._initialized = {"kernel": False, "Nystroem": False, "random_state": False, "normalize": False, "verbose": False, "n_jobs": False}
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit a dataset, for a transformer. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given grap format). The train samples. y : None There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ # Initialize the Graph Kernel. self.initialize() # Input validation and parsing if bool(self.nystroem_): X = list(X) nx = len(X) # get basis vectors if self.nystroem_ > nx: n_components = nx warnings.warn("n_components > n_samples. This is not " "possible.\nn_components was set to n_samples" ", which results in inefficient evaluation of" " the full kernel.") else: n_components = self.nystroem_ n_components = min(nx, n_components) inds = self.random_state_.permutation(nx) basis_inds = inds[:n_components] basis = [X[i] for i in basis_inds] # sqrt of kernel matrix on basis vectors U, S, V = svd(self.kernel_.fit_transform(basis)) S = np.maximum(S, 1e-12) self.nystroem_ = n_components self.nystroem_normalization_ = / np.sqrt(S), V) self.components_ = basis self.component_indices_ = inds else: # Return the transformer return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples. Returns ------- K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs] corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features """ # Transform - calculate kernel matrix check_is_fitted(self, 'kernel_') if hasattr(self, 'nystroem_') and bool(self.nystroem_): # Check if nystroem has been initialized had been called check_is_fitted(self, 'components_') K = self.kernel_.transform(X).dot(self.nystroem_normalization_.T) else: K = self.kernel_.transform(X) return K
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """Fit and transform, on the same dataset. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples. y : None There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- K : numpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs] corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features """ # Initialize the Graph Kernel self.initialize() # Transform - calculate kernel matrix if bool(self.nystroem_): K = self.kernel_.transform(X).dot(self.nystroem_normalization_.T) else: K = self.kernel_.fit_transform(X) return K
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialisation.""" if not self._initialized["Nystroem"]: if type(self.Nystroem) not in [int, bool]: raise ValueError('Nystroem parameter must be an int, ' 'indicating the number of components' 'or a boolean') elif self.Nystroem is False: self.nystroem_ = False elif self.Nystroem in [0, -1] or self.Nystroem is True: # picking default number of components self.nystroem_ = default_n_components elif self.Nystroem <= 0: raise ValueError('number of nystroem components ' 'must be positive') else: self.nystroem_ = self.Nystroem self._initialized["Nystroem"] = True if any(not self._initialized[param] for param in ["random_state", "normalize", "verbose", "n_jobs", "kernel"]): # Intialise random_state_ if not self._initialized["random_state"]: self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) k = self.kernel if type(k) is dict or type(k) is str: # allow single kernel dictionary inputs k = [self.kernel] elif type(k) is not list: raise ValueError('A "kernel" must be defined at the __init__ ' 'function of the graph kernel generic wrapper.' 'Valid kernel types are dict, str, and list of dict or str.') hidden_args = {"verbose": self.verbose, "normalize": self.normalize, "n_jobs": self.n_jobs} # Initialize a new kernel each time a new fit is being called kernel, params = self.make_kernel_(copy.deepcopy(k), hidden_args) self.kernel_ = kernel(**params) for param in ["random_state", "normalize", "verbose", "n_jobs", "kernel"]: self._initialized[param] = True
[docs] def make_kernel_(self, kernel_list, hidden_args): """Produce the desired kernel function. Parameters ---------- kernel_list : (list) List of kernel dictionaries as defined at the documentation of class parameters. Returns ------- kernel : kernel (class). Returns an instance of a kernel type object corresponding to the certain kernel. """ kernel = kernel_list.pop(0) if type(kernel) is str: kernel_name, kernel = str(kernel), dict() elif type(kernel) is not dict: raise ValueError('each element of the list of kernels must be a dictionary or a string') else: if "name" not in kernel: raise ValueError('each dictionary concerning a kernel must ' 'have a "name" parameter designating the ' 'kernel') kernel_name = kernel.pop("name") for (keys, val) in iteritems(hidden_args): if keys in kernel: warnings.warn('Overriding global kernel attribute ' + str(keys) + ' with ' + str(val) + '. Please set this attribute as an argument of GraphKernel.') kernel[keys] = val def get_random_state_(kernel): return kernel.pop( "random_state", (self.random_state_ if self.random_state is not None else None)) if kernel_name in sbks: if len(kernel_list) != 0: warnings.warn('Kernel List not empty while reaching a base-kernel - ' 'the rest kernel names will be ignored') if kernel_name in sbk[0]: return VertexHistogram, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[1]: return EdgeHistogram, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[2]: if kernel.pop("with_labels", False): return RandomWalkLabeled, kernel else: return RandomWalk, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[3]: if kernel.pop("as_attributes", False): return ShortestPathAttr, kernel else: return ShortestPath, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[4]: kernel["random_state"] = get_random_state_(kernel) return GraphletSampling, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[5]: return SubgraphMatching, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[6]: if kernel.pop("which", "fast") == "slow": kernel.pop("N", None) return (MultiscaleLaplacian, kernel) else: kernel["random_state"] = get_random_state_(kernel) return (MultiscaleLaplacianFast, kernel) elif kernel_name in sbk[7]: kernel["random_state"] = get_random_state_(kernel) return LovaszTheta, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[8]: kernel["random_state"] = get_random_state_(kernel) return SvmTheta, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[9]: return NeighborhoodHash, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[10]: return NeighborhoodSubgraphPairwiseDistance, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[11]: return OddSth, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[12]: kernel["random_state"] = get_random_state_(kernel) if kernel.pop("with_attributes", False): return PropagationAttr, kernel else: return Propagation, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[13]: return PyramidMatch, kernel elif kernel_name in sbk[14]: return GraphHopper, kernel elif kernel_name in sfs: if len(kernel_list): kernel["base_graph_kernel"] = self.make_kernel_(kernel_list, {}) if kernel_name in sf[0]: return (WeisfeilerLehman, kernel) elif kernel_name in sf[1]: return (HadamardCode, kernel) elif kernel_name in sf[2]: return (CoreFramework, kernel) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported kernel: " + str(kernel_name) + "\n" "Supported kernels are:\n\n" + sk_msg)
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Call the parent method.""" # Copy the parameters params = copy.deepcopy(params) # Iterate over the parameters for key, value in iteritems(params): key, delim, sub_key = key.partition('__') if delim: if sub_key in self._initialized: self._initialized[sub_key] = False elif key in self._initialized: self._initialized[key] = False # Set parameters super(GraphKernel, self).set_params(**params)