"""The Graph Hopper kernel as defined in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`."""
# Author: Ioannis Siglidis <y.siglidis@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Iterable
from numbers import Real
from warnings import warn
from numpy.matlib import repmat
from grakel.kernels import Kernel
from grakel.graph import Graph
from grakel.graph import dijkstra
# Python 2/3 cross-compatibility import
from six.moves import filterfalse
[docs]class GraphHopper(Kernel):
"""Graph Hopper Histogram kernel as found in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
kernel_type : str, tuple or function
For `kernel_type` of **type**:
+ **str** can either be 'linear', 'gaussian', 'bridge'.
+ **tuple** can be of the form ('gaussian', mu) where mu is a number.
+ **function** can be a function that takes two tuples of np.arrays for each graph
corresponding to the M matrix and the attribute matrix and returns a number.
metric_ : function
The base metric applied between features.
calculate_norm_ : bool
Defines if the norm of the attributes will be calculated
(in order to avoid recalculation when using it with e.g. gaussian).
_graph_format = "all"
[docs] def __init__(self, n_jobs=None, normalize=False, verbose=False, kernel_type='linear'):
"""Initialize an Graph Hopper kernel."""
super(GraphHopper, self).__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs,
self.kernel_type = kernel_type
self._initialized.update({"kernel_type": False})
[docs] def initialize(self):
"""Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization."""
super(GraphHopper, self).initialize()
if not self._initialized["kernel_type"]:
if type(self.kernel_type) is str:
if self.kernel_type == "linear":
self.metric_ = linear_kernel
self.calculate_norm_ = False
elif self.kernel_type == "gaussian":
self.metric_ = lambda x, y: gaussian_kernel(x, y, 1)
self.calculate_norm_ = True
elif self.kernel_type == "bridge":
self.metric_ = bridge_kernel
self.calculate_norm_ = False
raise ValueError('Unsupported kernel with name "' + str(self.kernel_type) + '"')
elif (type(self.kernel_type) is tuple and len(self.kernel_type) == 2 and
self.kernel_type[0] == "gaussian" and isinstance(self.kernel_type[1], Real)):
self.metric_ = lambda x, y: gaussian_kernel(x, y, self.kernel_type[1])
self.calculate_norm_ = True
elif callable(self.kernel_type):
self.metric_ = self._kernel_type
self.calculate_norm_ = False
raise TypeError('Unrecognized "kernel_type": can either be a str '
'from the supported: "linear", "gaussian", "bridge" '
'or tuple ("gaussian", mu) or a callable.')
[docs] def pairwise_operation(self, x, y):
"""Graph Hopper kernel as proposed in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
x, y : tuple
Extracted features from `parse_input`.
kernel : number
The kernel value.
xp, yp = x[0], y[0]
m = min(xp.shape[1], yp.shape[1])
m_sq = m**2
if x[0].shape[1] > m:
xp = xp[:, :m, :][:, :, :m]
elif y[0].shape[1] > m:
yp = yp[:, :m, :][:, :, :m]
return self.metric_((xp.reshape(xp.shape[0], m_sq),) + x[1:],
(yp.reshape(yp.shape[0], m_sq),) + y[1:])
def linear_kernel(x, y):
"""Graph Hopper linear pairwise kernel as proposed in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
x, y : tuple
Extracted features from `parse_input`.
kernel : number
The kernel value.
M_i, NA_i = x
M_j, NA_j = y
weight_matrix = np.dot(M_i, M_j.T)
NA_linear_kernel = np.dot(NA_i, NA_j.T)
return np.dot(weight_matrix.flat, NA_linear_kernel.flat)
def gaussian_kernel(x, y, mu):
"""Graph Hopper gaussian pairwise kernel as proposed in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
x, y : tuple
Extracted features from `parse_input`.
mu : Number
The mean value of the gaussian.
kernel : number
The kernel value.
M_i, NA_i, norm2_i = x
M_j, NA_j, norm2_j = y
weight_matrix = np.dot(M_i, M_j.T)
NA_linear_kernel = np.dot(NA_i, NA_j.T)
NA_squared_distmatrix = ((-2*NA_linear_kernel.T + norm2_i).T + norm2_j)
nodepair = np.exp(-mu*NA_squared_distmatrix)
return np.dot(weight_matrix.flat, nodepair.flat)
def bridge_kernel(x, y):
"""Graph Hopper bridge kernel as proposed in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
x, y : tuple
Extracted features from `parse_input`.
kernel : number
The kernel value.
M_i, NA_i = x
M_j, NA_j = y
weight_matrix = np.dot(M_i, M_j.T)
NAs = np.vstack([NA_i, NA_j])
NAs_linear_kernel = np.dot(NAs, NAs.T)
NAs_distances = kernelmatrix2distmatrix(NAs_linear_kernel)
NA_i_NA_j_distances = NAs_distances[:NA_i.shape[0], NA_i.shape[0]:]
nodepair = (4-NA_i_NA_j_distances)/4
nodepair[nodepair < 0] = 0
return np.dot(weight_matrix.flat, nodepair.flat)
def kernelmatrix2distmatrix(K):
"""Convert a Kernel Matrix to a Distance Matrix.
K : np.array, n_dim=2
The kernel matrix.
D : np.array, n_dim=2
The distance matrix.
diag_K = K.diagonal().reshape(K.shape[0], 1)
return np.sqrt(diag_K + diag_K.T - 2*K)
def od_vectors_dag(G, shortestpath_dists):
"""Compute the set of occurrence and distance vectors for G.
Defined in :cite:`feragen2013scalable`.
G : np.array, n_dim=2
DAG induced from a gappy tree where the indexing of nodes gives a
breadth first order of the corresponding original graph
shortestpath_dists : np.array, n_dim=1
Shortest path distances from the source node.
occ : np.array, n_dim=2
n x d descendant matrix occ, where n: `G.shape[0]` loops through the
nodes of G, and d: 'diameter of G'. The rows of the occ matrix will be
padded with zeros on the right.
des : np.array, n_dim=2
n x d descendant matrix des, where n: `G.shape[0]` loops through the
nodes of G, and d: 'diameter of G'. The rows of the des matrix will be
padded with zeros on the right.
dag_size = G.shape[0]
DAG_gen_vector = shortestpath_dists + 1
# This only works when the DAG is a shortest path DAG on an unweighted graph
gen_sorted = DAG_gen_vector.argsort()
re_sorted = gen_sorted.argsort()
sortedG = G[gen_sorted, :][:, gen_sorted]
delta = int(np.max(DAG_gen_vector))
# Initialize:
# For a node v at generation i in the tree, give it the vector
# [0 0 ... 1 ... 0] of length h_tree with the 1 at the ith place.
occ = np.zeros(shape=(dag_size, delta), dtype=int)
occ[0, 0] = 1
# Initialize:
# For a node v at generation i in the tree, give it the vector
# [0 0 ... 1 ... 0] of length delta with the 1 at the ith place.
des = np.zeros(shape=(dag_size, delta), dtype=int)
des[:, 0] = np.ones(shape=(1, dag_size))
for i in range(dag_size):
edges_starting_at_ith = np.where(np.squeeze(sortedG[i, :]) == 1)[0]
occ[edges_starting_at_ith, :] = occ[edges_starting_at_ith, :] + \
repmat(np.hstack([0, occ[i, :-1]]), edges_starting_at_ith.shape[0], 1)
# Now use message-passing from the bottom of the DAG to add up the
# edges from each node. This is easy because the vertices in the DAG
# are depth-first ordered in the original tree; thus, we can just start
# from the end of the DAG matrix.
edges_ending_at_ith_from_end = np.where(np.squeeze(sortedG[:, dag_size - i - 1]) == 1)[0]
des[edges_ending_at_ith_from_end, :] = (
des[edges_ending_at_ith_from_end, :] +
repmat(np.hstack([0, des[dag_size - i - 1, :-1]]),
edges_ending_at_ith_from_end.shape[0], 1))
return occ[re_sorted, :], des[re_sorted, :]
if __name__ == '__main__':
from grakel.datasets import fetch_dataset
import argparse
# Create an argument parser for the installer of pynauty
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Measuring classification accuracy '
' on multiscale_laplacian_fast')
help='choose the dataset you want the tests to be executed',
help='fit_transform the full graph',
mec = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
help='choose a linear kernel',
help='choose a gaussian kernel (optionaly add a mu: default=1)',
help='choose a bridge kernel',
# Get the dataset name
args = parser.parse_args()
dataset_name = args.dataset
if args.gaussian is not None:
kernel_type = ('gaussian', float(args.gaussian))
elif bool(args.bridge):
kernel_type = 'bridge'
kernel_type = 'linear'
full = bool(args.full)
# The baseline dataset for node/edge-attributes
dataset_attr = fetch_dataset(dataset_name,
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import time
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn import svm
def sec_to_time(sec):
"""Print time in a correct format."""
dt = list()
days = int(sec // 86400)
if days > 0:
sec -= 86400*days
dt.append(str(days) + " d")
hrs = int(sec // 3600)
if hrs > 0:
sec -= 3600*hrs
dt.append(str(hrs) + " h")
mins = int(sec // 60)
if mins > 0:
sec -= 60*mins
dt.append(str(mins) + " m")
if sec > 0:
dt.append(str(round(sec, 2)) + " s")
return " ".join(dt)
# Loads the Mutag dataset from:
# https://ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/staff/morris/graphkerneldatasets
# the biggest collection of benchmark datasets for graph_kernels.
G, y = dataset_attr.data, dataset_attr.target
C_grid = (10. ** np.arange(-7, 7, 2) / len(G)).tolist()
stats = {"acc": list(), "time": list()}
kf = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=42, shuffle=True)
niter = kf.get_n_splits(y)
for (k, (train_index, test_index)) in tqdm(enumerate(kf.split(G, y)),
# Train-test split of graph data
tri = train_index.tolist()
tei = test_index.tolist()
G_train, G_test = list(), list()
y_train, y_test = list(), list()
for (i, (g, t)) in enumerate(zip(G, y)):
if len(tri) and i == tri[0]:
elif len(tei) and i == tei[0]:
start = time()
gk = GraphHopper(normalize=True, kernel_type=kernel_type)
# Calculate the kernel matrix.
if full:
K = gk.fit_transform(G)
K_train = K[train_index, :][:, train_index]
K_test = K[test_index, :][:, train_index]
K_train = gk.fit_transform(G_train)
K_test = gk.transform(G_test)
end = time()
# Cross validation on C, variable
acc = 0
for c in C_grid:
# Initialise an SVM and fit.
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=c)
# Fit on the train Kernel
clf.fit(K_train, y_train)
# Predict and test.
y_pred = clf.predict(K_test)
# Calculate accuracy of classification.
acc = max(acc, accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print("Mean values of", niter, "iterations:")
print("GraphHopper", "> Accuracy:",
str(round(np.mean(stats["acc"])*100, 2)),
"% | Took:", sec_to_time(np.mean(stats["time"])))