Source code for grakel.kernels.random_walk

"""RW-kernel. as in :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph`."""
# Author: Ioannis Siglidis <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import collections
import warnings

import numpy as np

from itertools import product

from numpy import ComplexWarning
from numpy.linalg import inv
from numpy.linalg import eig
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot
from scipy.linalg import expm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

from grakel.kernels import Kernel
from grakel.graph import Graph

# Python 2/3 cross-compatibility import
from builtins import range

[docs]class RandomWalk(Kernel): """The random walk kernel class. See :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph` and :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast`. Parameters ---------- lambda : float A lambda factor concerning summation. method_type : str, valid_values={"baseline", "fast"} The method to use for calculating random walk kernel: + "baseline" *Complexity*: :math:`O(|V|^6)` (see :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph`) + "fast" *Complexity*: :math:`O((|E|+|V|)|V||M|)` (see :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast`) kernel_type : str, valid_values={"geometric", "exponential"} Defines how inner summation will be applied. p : int or None If initialised defines the number of steps. Attributes ---------- mu_ : list List of coefficients concerning a finite sum, in case p is not None. """ _graph_format = "adjacency"
[docs] def __init__(self, n_jobs=None, normalize=False, verbose=False, lamda=0.1, method_type="fast", kernel_type="geometric", p=None): """Initialise a random_walk kernel.""" # setup valid parameters and initialise from parent super(RandomWalk, self).__init__( n_jobs=n_jobs, normalize=normalize, verbose=verbose) # Ignores ComplexWarning as it does not signify anything problematic warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ComplexWarning) # Setup method type and define operation. self.method_type = method_type self.kernel_type = kernel_type self.p = p self.lamda = lamda self._initialized.update({"method_type": False, "kernel_type": False, "p": False, "lamda": False})
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization.""" super(RandomWalk, self).initialize() if not self._initialized["method_type"]: # Setup method type and define operation. if (self.method_type == "baseline" or (self.method_type == "fast" and self.p is None and self.kernel_type == "geometric")): self.add_input_ = idem elif self.method_type == "fast": # Spectral Decomposition if adjacency matrix is symmetric self.add_input_ = sd else: raise ValueError('unsupported method_type') self._initialized["method_type"] = True if not self._initialized["kernel_type"]: if self.kernel_type not in ["geometric", "exponential"]: raise ValueError('unsupported kernel type: either "geometric" ' 'or "exponential"') if not self._initialized["p"]: if self.p is not None: if type(self.p) is int and self.p > 0: if self.kernel_type == "geometric": self.mu_ = [1] fact = 1 power = 1 for k in range(1, self.p + 1): fact *= k power *= self.lamda self.mu_.append(fact/power) else: self.mu_ = [1] power = 1 for k in range(1, self.p + 1): power *= self.lamda self.mu_.append(power) else: raise TypeError('p must be a positive integer bigger than ' 'zero or nonetype') self._initialized["kernel_type"] = True if not self._initialized["lamda"]: if self.lamda <= 0: raise TypeError('lambda must be positive bigger than equal') elif self.lamda > 0.5 and self.p is None: warnings.warn('random-walk series may fail to converge') self._initialized["lamda"] = True
[docs] def parse_input(self, X): """Parse and create features for random_walk kernel. Parameters ---------- X : iterable For the input to pass the test, we must have: Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects. Returns ------- out : list The extracted adjacency matrices for any given input. """ if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError('input must be an iterable\n') else: i = 0 out = list() for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)): is_iter = isinstance(x, collections.Iterable) if is_iter: x = list(x) if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 1, 2, 3]: if len(x) == 0: warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element' + ' on index: '+str(idx)) continue else: A = Graph(x[0], {}, {}, self._graph_format).get_adjacency_matrix() elif type(x) is Graph: A = x.get_adjacency_matrix() else: raise TypeError('each element of X must be either a ' + 'graph or an iterable with at least 1 ' + 'and at most 3 elements\n') i += 1 out.append(self.add_input_(A)) if i == 0: raise ValueError('parsed input is empty') return out
[docs] def pairwise_operation(self, X, Y): """Calculate the random walk kernel. Fast: Spectral demoposition algorithm as presented in :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast` p.13, s.4.4, with complexity of :math:`O((|E|+|V|)|E||V|^2)` for graphs witout labels. Baseline: Algorithm presented in :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph` with complexity of :math:`O(|V|^6)` Parameters ---------- X, Y : Objects Objects as produced from parse_input. Returns ------- kernel : number The kernel value. """ if self.method_type == "baseline": # calculate the product graph XY = np.kron(X, Y) # algorithm presented in # [Kashima et al., 2003; Gartner et al., 2003] # complexity of O(|V|^6) # XY is a square matrix s = XY.shape[0] if self.p is not None: P = np.eye(XY.shape[0]) S = self.mu_[0] * P for k in self.mu_[1:]: P = np.matmul(P, XY) S += k*P else: if self.kernel_type == "geometric": S = inv(np.identity(s) - self.lamda*XY).T elif self.kernel_type == "exponential": S = expm(self.lamda*XY).T return np.sum(S) elif self.method_type == "fast" and (self.p is not None or self.kernel_type == "exponential"): # Spectral demoposition algorithm as presented in # [Vishwanathan et al., 2006] p.13, s.4.4, with # complexity of O((|E|+|V|)|E||V|^2) for graphs # witout labels # calculate kernel qi_Pi, wi = X qj_Pj, wj = Y # calculate flanking factor ff = np.expand_dims(np.kron(qi_Pi, qj_Pj), axis=0) # calculate D based on the method Dij = np.kron(wi, wj) if self.p is not None: D = np.ones(shape=(Dij.shape[0],)) S = self.mu_[0] * D for k in self.mu_[1:]: D *= Dij S += k*D S = np.diagflat(S) else: # Exponential S = np.diagflat(np.exp(self.lamda*Dij)) return else: # Random Walk # Conjugate Gradient Method as presented in # [Vishwanathan et al., 2006] p.12, s.4.2 Ax, Ay = X, Y xs, ys = Ax.shape[0], Ay.shape[0] mn = xs*ys def lsf(x, lamda): xm = x.reshape((xs, ys), order='F') y = np.reshape(multi_dot((Ax, xm, Ay)), (mn,), order='F') return x - self.lamda * y # A*x=b A = LinearOperator((mn, mn), matvec=lambda x: lsf(x, self.lamda)) b = np.ones(mn) x_sol, _ = cg(A, b, tol=1.0e-6, maxiter=20, atol='legacy') return np.sum(x_sol)
[docs]class RandomWalkLabeled(RandomWalk): """The labeled random walk kernel class. See :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph` and :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast`. Parameters ---------- lambda : float A lambda factor concerning summation. method_type : str, valid_values={"baseline", "fast"} The method to use for calculating random walk kernel [geometric]: + "baseline" *Complexity*: :math:`O(|V|^6)` (see :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph`) + "fast" *Complexity*: :math:`O(|E|^{2}rd|V|^{3})` (see :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast`) kernel_type : str, valid_values={"geometric", "exponential"} Defines how inner summation will be applied. p : int, optional If initialised defines the number of steps. Attributes ---------- _lamda : float, default=0.1 A lambda factor concerning summation. _kernel_type : str, valid_values={"geometric", "exponential"}, default="geometric" Defines how inner summation will be applied. _method_type : str valid_values={"baseline", "fast"}, default="fast" The method to use for calculating random walk kernel: + "baseline" *Complexity*: :math:`O(|V|^6)` (see :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph`) + "fast" *Complexity*: :math:`O((|E|+|V|)|V||M|)` (see :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast`) _p : int, default=1 If not -1, the number of steps of the random walk kernel. """ _graph_format = "adjacency"
[docs] def __init__(self, n_jobs=None, normalize=False, verbose=False, lamda=0.1, method_type="fast", kernel_type="geometric", p=None): """Initialise a labeled random_walk kernel.""" # Initialise from parent super(RandomWalkLabeled, self).__init__( n_jobs=n_jobs, normalize=normalize, verbose=verbose, lamda=lamda, method_type=method_type, kernel_type=kernel_type, p=p)
[docs] def parse_input(self, X): """Parse and create features for graphlet_sampling kernel. Parameters ---------- X : iterable For the input to pass the test, we must have: Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects. Returns ------- out : list The extracted adjacency matrices for any given input. """ if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError('input must be an iterable\n') else: i = 0 proc = list() for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)): is_iter = isinstance(x, collections.Iterable) if is_iter: x = list(x) if is_iter and len(x) in [1, 2, 3]: if len(x) == 0: warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element' + ' on index: '+str(idx)) continue else: x = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, self._graph_format) elif type(x) is not Graph: raise TypeError('each element of X must be either a ' + 'graph or an iterable with at least 2 ' + 'and at most 3 elements\n') i += 1 x.desired_format("adjacency") Ax = x.get_adjacency_matrix() Lx = x.get_labels(purpose="adjacency") Lx = [Lx[idx] for idx in range(Ax.shape[0])] proc.append((Ax, Lx, Ax.shape[0])) out = list() for Ax, Lx, s in proc: amss = dict() labels = set(Lx) Lx = np.array(Lx) for t in product(labels, labels): selector = np.matmul(np.expand_dims(Lx == t[0], axis=1), np.expand_dims(Lx == t[1], axis=0)) amss[t] = Ax * selector out.append((amss, s)) if i == 0: raise ValueError('parsed input is empty') return out
[docs] def pairwise_operation(self, X, Y): """Calculate the labeled random walk kernel. Fast [geometric]: Conjugate Gradient method as presented in :cite:`vishwanathan2006fast` p.12, s.4.2, with complexity of :math:`O(|E|^{2}rd|V|^{3})` for labeled graphs. Baseline: Algorithm presented in :cite:`kashima2003marginalized`, :cite:`gartner2003graph` with complexity of :math:`O(|V|^6)` Parameters ---------- X, Y : tuples Tuples of adjacency matrices and labels. Returns ------- kernel : number The kernel value. """ X, xs = X Y, ys = Y ck = set(X.keys()) & (set(Y.keys())) mn = xs * ys if self.kernel_type == "exponential" or self.method_type == "baseline" or self.p is not None: # Claculate Kronecker product matrix XY = np.zeros(shape=(mn, mn)) for k in ck: XY += np.kron(X[k], Y[k]) # XY is a square matrix s = XY.shape[0] if self.p is not None: P = np.eye(XY.shape[0]) S = self.mu_[0] * P for k in self.mu_[1:]: P *= XY S += k*P elif self.kernel_type == "exponential": S = expm(self.lamda*XY).T elif self.kernel_type == "geometric": # Baseline Algorithm as presented in # [Vishwanathan et al., 2006] Id = np.identity(s) S = inv(Id - self.lamda*XY).T return np.sum(S) elif self.method_type == "fast" and self.kernel_type == "geometric": # Conjugate Gradient Method as presented in # [Vishwanathan et al., 2006] p.12, s.4.2 AxAy = [(X[k], Y[k]) for k in ck] if len(ck): def lsf(x, lamda): y = 0 xm = x.reshape((xs, ys), order='F') for Ax, Ay in AxAy: y += np.reshape(multi_dot((Ax, xm, Ay)), (mn,), order='F') return x - self.lamda * y else: def lsf(x, lamda): return x - np.zeros(mn) # A*x=b A = LinearOperator((mn, mn), matvec=lambda x: lsf(x, self.lamda)) b = np.ones(mn) x_sol, _ = cg(A, b, tol=1.0e-6, maxiter=20, atol='legacy') return np.sum(x_sol)
def idem(x): return x def invert(w, v): return (np.real(np.sum(v, axis=0)), np.real(w)) def sd(x): return invert(*eig(x))