"""The propagation kernel as defined in :cite:`neumann2015propagation`."""
# Author: Ioannis Siglidis <y.siglidis@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
from numbers import Real
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize as normalizer
from grakel.graph import Graph
from grakel.kernels import Kernel
# Python 2/3 cross-compatibility import
from six import itervalues
from six import iteritems
from six.moves import filterfalse
def _dot(x, y):
return sum(x[k]*y[k] for k in x)
[docs]class Propagation(Kernel):
r"""The Propagation kernel for fully labeled graphs.
See :cite:`neumann2015propagation`: Algorithms 1, 3, p. 216, 221.
t_max : int, default=5
Maximum number of iterations.
w : int, default=0.01
Bin width.
M : str, default="TV"
The preserved distance metric (on local sensitive hashing):
- "H": hellinger
- "TV": total-variation
metric : function (Counter, Counter -> number),
default=:math:`f(x,y)=\sum_{i} x_{i}*y_{i}`
A metric between two 1-dimensional numpy arrays of numbers that outputs a number.
It must consider the case where the keys of y are not in x, when different features appear
at transform.
random_state : RandomState or int, default=None
A random number generator instance or an int to initialize a RandomState as a seed.
_enum_labels : dict
Holds the enumeration of the input labels.
_parent_labels : set
Holds a set of the input labels.
random_state_ : RandomState
A RandomState object handling all randomness of the class.
_graph_format = "adjacency"
attr_ = False
[docs] def __init__(self,
"""Initialise a propagation kernel."""
super(Propagation, self).__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs,
self.random_state = random_state
self.M = M
self.t_max = t_max
self.w = w
self.metric = metric
self._initialized.update({"M": False, "t_max": False, "w": False,
"random_state": False, "metric": False})
def initialize(self):
"""Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization."""
super(Propagation, self).initialize()
if not self._initialized["random_state"]:
self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state)
self._initialized["random_state"] = True
if not self._initialized["metric"]:
if (type(self.M) is not str or
(self.M not in ["H", "TV"] and not self.attr_) or
(self.M not in ["L1", "L2"] and self.attr_)):
if self.attr_:
raise TypeError('Metric type must be a str, one of "L1", "L2"')
raise TypeError('Metric type must be a str, one of "H", "TV"')
if not self.attr_:
self.take_sqrt_ = self.M == "H"
self.take_cauchy_ = self.M in ["TV", "L1"]
self._initialized["metric"] = True
if not self._initialized["t_max"]:
if type(self.t_max) is not int or self.t_max <= 0:
raise TypeError('The number of iterations must be a ' +
'positive integer.')
self._initialized["t_max"] = True
if not self._initialized["w"]:
if not isinstance(self.w, Real) and self.w <= 0:
raise TypeError('The bin width must be a positive number.')
self._initialized["w"] = True
if not self._initialized["metric"]:
if not callable(self.metric):
raise TypeError('The base kernel must be callable.')
self._initialized["metric"] = True
def pairwise_operation(self, x, y):
"""Calculate the kernel value between two elements.
x, y: list
Inverse label dictionaries.
kernel : number
The kernel value.
return sum(self.metric(x[t], y[t]) for t in range(self.t_max))
def parse_input(self, X):
"""Parse and create features for the propation kernel.
X : iterable
For the input to pass the test, we must have:
Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
(adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given
graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.
local_values : dict
A dictionary of pairs between each input graph and a bins where the
sampled graphlets have fallen.
if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable):
raise ValueError('input must be an iterable\n')
i = -1
transition_matrix = dict()
labels = set()
L = list()
for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)):
is_iter = isinstance(x, collections.Iterable)
if is_iter:
x = list(x)
if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 2, 3, 4]:
if len(x) == 0:
warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element on ' +
'index: '+str(idx))
if len(x) == 2 and type(x[0]) is Graph:
g, T = x
g = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, self._graph_format)
if len(x) == 4:
T = x[3]
T = None
elif type(x) is Graph:
g, T = x, None
raise ValueError('Each element of X must be either a ' +
'Graph or an iterable with at least 2 ' +
'and at most 4 elements\n')
if T is not None:
if T.shape[0] != T.shape[1]:
raise TypeError('Transition matrix on index' +
' ' + str(idx) + 'must be ' +
'a square matrix.')
if T.shape[0] != g.nv():
raise TypeError('Propagation matrix must ' +
'have the same dimension ' +
'as the number of vertices.')
T = g.get_adjacency_matrix()
i += 1
transition_matrix[i] = normalizer(T, axis=1, norm='l1')
label = g.get_labels(purpose='adjacency')
labels |= set(itervalues(label))
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('For a non attributed kernel, labels should be hashable.')
L.append((g.nv(), label))
if i == -1:
raise ValueError('Parsed input is empty')
# The number of parsed graphs
n = i+1
# enumerate labels
if self._method_calling == 1:
enum_labels = {l: i for (i, l) in enumerate(list(labels))}
self._enum_labels = enum_labels
self._parent_labels = labels
elif self._method_calling == 3:
new_elements = labels - self._parent_labels
if len(new_elements) > 0:
new_enum_labels = iter((l, i) for (i, l) in
enumerate(list(new_elements), len(self._enum_labels)))
enum_labels = dict(chain(iteritems(self._enum_labels), new_enum_labels))
enum_labels = self._enum_labels
# make a matrix for all graphs that contains label vectors
P, data, indexes = dict(), list(), [0]
for (k, (nv, label)) in enumerate(L):
data += [(indexes[-1] + j, enum_labels[label[j]]) for j in range(nv)]
indexes.append(indexes[-1] + nv)
# Initialise the on hot vector
rows, cols = zip(*data)
P = np.zeros(shape=(indexes[-1], len(enum_labels)))
P[rows, cols] = 1
dim_orig = len(self._enum_labels)
# feature vectors
if self._method_calling == 1:
# simple normal
self._u, self._b, self._hd = list(), list(), list()
for t in range(self.t_max):
u = self.random_state_.randn(len(enum_labels))
if self.take_cauchy_:
# cauchy
u = np.divide(u, self.random_state_.randn(len(enum_labels)))
# random offset
phi = {k: dict() for k in range(n)}
for t in range(self.t_max):
# for hash all graphs inside P and produce the feature vectors
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P, self._u[t], self._b[t])
hd = dict((j, i) for i, j in enumerate(set(np.unique(hashes))))
features = np.vectorize(lambda i: hd[i])(hashes)
# Accumulate the results.
for k in range(n):
phi[k][t] = Counter(features[indexes[k]:indexes[k+1]])
# calculate the Propagation matrix if needed
if t < self.t_max-1:
for k in range(n):
start, end = indexes[k:k+2]
P[start:end, :] = np.dot(transition_matrix[k], P[start:end, :])
return [phi[k] for k in range(n)]
elif (self._method_calling == 3 and dim_orig >= len(enum_labels)):
phi = {k: dict() for k in range(n)}
for t in range(self.t_max):
# for hash all graphs inside P and produce the feature vectors
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P, self._u[t], self._b[t])
hd = dict(chain(
iter((j, i) for i, j in enumerate(
filterfalse(lambda x: x in self._hd[t],
features = np.vectorize(lambda i: hd[i])(hashes)
# Accumulate the results.
for k in range(n):
phi[k][t] = Counter(features[indexes[k]:indexes[k+1]])
# calculate the Propagation matrix if needed
if t < self.t_max-1:
for k in range(n):
start, end = indexes[k:k+2]
P[start:end, :] = np.dot(transition_matrix[k], P[start:end, :])
return [phi[k] for k in range(n)]
cols = np.array(cols)
vertices = np.where(cols < dim_orig)[0]
vertices_p = np.where(cols >= dim_orig)[0]
nnv = len(enum_labels) - dim_orig
phi = {k: dict() for k in range(n)}
for t in range(self.t_max):
# hash all graphs inside P and produce the feature vectors
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P[vertices, :dim_orig],
self._u[t], self._b[t])
hd = dict(chain(
iter((j, i) for i, j in enumerate(
filterfalse(lambda x: x in self._hd[t],
features = np.vectorize(lambda i: hd[i], otypes=[int])(hashes)
# for each the new labels graph hash P and produce the feature vectors
u = self.random_state_.randn(nnv)
if self.take_cauchy_:
# cauchy
u = np.divide(u, self.random_state_.randn(nnv))
u = np.hstack((self._u[t], u))
# calculate hashes for the remaining
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P[vertices_p, :], u, self._b[t])
hd = dict(chain(iteritems(hd), iter((j, i) for i, j in enumerate(hashes, len(hd)))))
features_p = np.vectorize(lambda i: hd[i], otypes=[int])(hashes)
# Accumulate the results
for k in range(n):
A = Counter(features[np.logical_and(
indexes[k] <= vertices, vertices <= indexes[k+1])])
B = Counter(features_p[np.logical_and(
indexes[k] <= vertices_p, vertices_p <= indexes[k+1])])
phi[k][t] = A + B
# calculate the Propagation matrix if needed
if t < self.t_max-1:
for k in range(n):
start, end = indexes[k:k+2]
P[start:end, :] = np.dot(transition_matrix[k], P[start:end, :])
Q = np.all(P[:, dim_orig:] > 0, axis=1)
vertices = np.where(~Q)[0]
vertices_p = np.where(Q)[0]
return [phi[k] for k in range(n)]
def calculate_LSH(self, X, u, b):
"""Calculate Local Sensitive Hashing needed for propagation kernels.
See :cite:`neumann2015propagation`, p.12.
X : np.array
A float array of shape (N, D) with N vertices and D features.
u : np.array, shape=(D, 1)
A projection vector.
b : float
An offset (times w).
lsh : np.array.
The local sensitive hash coresponding to each vertex.
if self.take_sqrt_:
X = np.sqrt(X)
# hash
return np.floor((np.dot(X, u)+b)/self.w)
[docs]class PropagationAttr(Propagation):
r"""The Propagation kernel for fully attributed graphs.
See :cite:`neumann2015propagation`: Algorithms 1, 3, p. 216, 221.
t_max : int, default=5
Maximum number of iterations.
w : int, default=0.01
Bin width.
M : str, default="TV"
The preserved distance metric (on local sensitive hashing):
- "L1": l1-norm
- "L2": l2-norm
metric : function (np.array, np.array -> number),
default=:math:`f(x,y)=\sum_{i} x_{i}*y_{i}`
A metric between two 1-dimensional numpy arrays of numbers
that outputs a number.
M : str
The preserved distance metric (on local sensitive hashing).
tmax : int
Holds the maximum number of iterations.
w : int
Holds the bin width.
metric : function (np.array, np.array -> number)
A metric between two 1-dimensional numpy arrays of numbers
that outputs a number.
_graph_format = "adjacency"
attr_ = True
[docs] def __init__(self,
"""Initialise a propagation kernel."""
super(PropagationAttr, self).__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs,
def initialize(self):
"""Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization."""
super(PropagationAttr, self).initialize()
def parse_input(self, X):
"""Parse and create features for the attributed propation kernel.
X : iterable
For the input to pass the test, we must have:
Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
(adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given
graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.
local_values : dict
A dictionary of pairs between each input graph and a bins where the
sampled graphlets have fallen.
if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable):
raise ValueError('input must be an iterable\n')
# The number of parsed graphs
n = 0
transition_matrix = dict()
indexes = [0]
Attr = list()
for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)):
is_iter = isinstance(x, collections.Iterable)
if is_iter:
x = list(x)
if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 2, 3, 4]:
if len(x) == 0:
warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element on ' +
'index: '+str(idx))
if len(x) == 2 and type(x[0]) is Graph:
g, T = x
g = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, self._graph_format)
if len(x) == 4:
T = x[3]
T = None
elif type(x) is Graph:
g, T = x, None
raise ValueError('Each element of X must be either a ' +
'Graph or an iterable with at least 2 ' +
'and at most 4 elements\n')
if T is not None:
if T.shape[0] != T.shape[1]:
raise TypeError('Transition matrix on index' +
' ' + str(idx) + 'must be ' +
'a square matrix.')
if T.shape[0] != g.nv():
raise TypeError('Propagation matrix must ' +
'have the same dimension ' +
'as the number of vertices.')
T = g.get_adjacency_matrix()
nv = g.nv()
transition_matrix[n] = normalizer(T, axis=1, norm='l1')
attr = g.get_labels(purpose="adjacency")
attributes = np.array([attr[j] for j in range(nv)])
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('All attributes of a single graph should have the same dimension.')
indexes.append(indexes[-1] + nv)
n += 1
P = np.vstack(Attr)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Attribute dimensions should be the same, for all graphs')
if self._method_calling == 1:
self._dim = P.shape[1]
if self._dim != P.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('transform attribute vectors should'
'have the same dimension as in fit')
if n == 0:
raise ValueError('Parsed input is empty')
# feature vectors
if self._method_calling == 1:
# simple normal
self._u, self._b, self._hd = list(), list(), list()
for t in range(self.t_max):
u = self.random_state_.randn(self._dim)
if self.take_cauchy_:
# cauchy
u = np.divide(u, self.random_state_.randn(self._dim))
# random offset
phi = {k: dict() for k in range(n)}
for t in range(self.t_max):
# for hash all graphs inside P and produce the feature vectors
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P, self._u[t], self._b[t]).tolist()
hd = {j: i for i, j in enumerate({tuple(l) for l in hashes})}
features = np.array([hd[tuple(l)] for l in hashes])
# Accumulate the results.
for k in range(n):
phi[k][t] = Counter(features[indexes[k]:indexes[k+1]].flat)
# calculate the Propagation matrix if needed
if t < self.t_max-1:
for k in range(n):
start, end = indexes[k:k+2]
P[start:end, :] = np.dot(transition_matrix[k], P[start:end, :])
return [phi[k] for k in range(n)]
if self._method_calling == 3:
phi = {k: dict() for k in range(n)}
for t in range(self.t_max):
# for hash all graphs inside P and produce the feature vectors
hashes = self.calculate_LSH(P, self._u[t], self._b[t]).tolist()
hd = dict(chain(
iter((j, i) for i, j in enumerate(
filterfalse(lambda x: x in self._hd[t],
{tuple(l) for l in hashes}),
features = np.array([hd[tuple(l)] for l in hashes])
# Accumulate the results.
for k in range(n):
phi[k][t] = Counter(features[indexes[k]:indexes[k+1]])
# calculate the Propagation matrix if needed
if t < self.t_max-1:
for k in range(n):
start, end = indexes[k:k+2]
P[start:end, :] = np.dot(transition_matrix[k], P[start:end, :])
return [phi[k] for k in range(n)]
def calculate_LSH(self, X, u, b):
"""Calculate Local Sensitive Hashing needed for propagation kernels.
See :cite:`neumann2015propagation`, p.12.
X : np.array
A float array of shape (N, D) with N vertices and D features.
u : np.array, shape=(D, 1)
A projection vector.
b : float
An offset (times w).
lsh : np.array.
The local sensitive hash coresponding to each vertex.
return np.floor((X*u+b)/self.w)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from grakel.datasets import fetch_dataset
import argparse
# Create an argument parser for the installer of pynauty
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Measuring classification accuracy '
'on multiscale_laplacian_fast')
help='choose the datset you want the tests to be executed',
help='fit_transform the full graph',
help='define if the attributed kernel will be used',
help='choose the datset you want the tests to be executed',
help='choose the datset you want the tests to be executed',
# Get the dataset name
args = parser.parse_args()
has_attributes = bool(args.attr)
dataset_name = args.dataset
tmax = args.tmax
w = args.w
full = bool(args.full)
if dataset_name is None:
if has_attributes:
dataset_name = "BZR"
dataset_name = "MUTAG"
# The baseline dataset for node/edge-attributes
dataset_attr = fetch_dataset(dataset_name,
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import time
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn import svm
def sec_to_time(sec):
"""Print time in a correct format."""
dt = list()
days = int(sec // 86400)
if days > 0:
sec -= 86400*days
dt.append(str(days) + " d")
hrs = int(sec // 3600)
if hrs > 0:
sec -= 3600*hrs
dt.append(str(hrs) + " h")
mins = int(sec // 60)
if mins > 0:
sec -= 60*mins
dt.append(str(mins) + " m")
if sec > 0:
dt.append(str(round(sec, 2)) + " s")
return " ".join(dt)
# Loads the Mutag dataset from:
# https://ls11-www.cs.tu-dortmund.de/staff/morris/graphkerneldatasets
# the biggest collection of benchmark datasets for graph_kernels.
G, y = dataset_attr.data, dataset_attr.target
C_grid = (10. ** np.arange(-7, 7, 2) / len(G)).tolist()
stats = {"acc": list(), "time": list()}
kf = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=42, shuffle=True)
niter = kf.get_n_splits(y)
for (k, (train_index, test_index)) in tqdm(enumerate(kf.split(G, y)),
# Train-test split of graph data
tri = train_index.tolist()
tei = test_index.tolist()
G_train, G_test = list(), list()
y_train, y_test = list(), list()
for (i, (g, t)) in enumerate(zip(G, y)):
if len(tri) and i == tri[0]:
elif len(tei) and i == tei[0]:
start = time()
if has_attributes:
gk = PropagationAttr(M="L1", t_max=tmax, w=w, normalize=True)
gk = Propagation(M="H", t_max=tmax, w=w, normalize=True)
# Calculate the kernel matrix.
if full:
K = gk.fit_transform(G)
K_train = K[train_index, :][:, train_index]
K_test = K[test_index, :][:, train_index]
K_train = gk.fit_transform(G_train)
K_test = gk.transform(G_test)
end = time()
# Cross validation on C, variable
acc = 0
for c in C_grid:
# Initialise an SVM and fit.
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=c)
# Fit on the train Kernel
clf.fit(K_train, y_train)
# Predict and test.
y_pred = clf.predict(K_test)
# Calculate accuracy of classification.
acc = max(acc, accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print("Mean values of", niter, "iterations:")
print("Propagation", "> Accuracy:",
str(round(np.mean(stats["acc"])*100, 2)),
"% | Took:", sec_to_time(np.mean(stats["time"])))