.. grakel documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 18 14:44:12 2016. ======== Overview ======== *GraKeL* is a Python package which provides implementations of several graph kernels, a family of powerful methods which allow kernel-based learning approaches such as SVMs to work directly on graphs. Getting Started .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 documentation ========== Benchmarks ========== To demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithms implemented in *GraKeL*, we present a comparison of the running times of the implementations of some graph kernels from *GraKeL* and from other packages. We also compare the running times of the different kernels to each other. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 benchmarks ================= Package Reference ================= A collection of all classes and functions important for the use and understanding of the *GraKeL* package. GraKeL provides .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api classes auto_examples/index tutorials ========== What's New ========== - Version **0.1a8** + Added a new kernel: [Weisfeiler-Lehman-Optimal-Assignment](https://ysig.github.io/GraKeL/0.1a8/kernels/weisfeiler_lehman_optimal_assignment.html). + Removed MultiScaleLaplacian (as being really slow and useless) and renamed MultiScaleLaplacianFast to MultiScaleLaplacian. + Fixed minor issues (joblib deprecation, skbunch etc) from `0.1a7`. - Version **0.1a7** + Detailed installation instructions for c++ extensions in windows. + Changed `base_kernel` alias in frameworks with `base_graph_kernel` to disambiguate with vectorial kernels. + Speed-up for floyd_warshall calculation in graph.py. + Large update throughout all the documentation. - Version **0.1a6** + More scikit-learn compatibility: 1. Initialise kernels by name and alias on GraphKernel (as GraphKernel(kernel="shortest_path"). 2. Fit and instantion by default parameters. 3. Random number generator standardized `check_random_state`. `random_seed` are now `random_state` arguments. 4. Doctests. + Miscelanous: 1. Detailed unsupported kernel output. 2. More detailed licensing information considering **cvxopt** and **BLISS** 3. Small bugfix inside the (Count Sensitive) Neighborhood Hash Kernel. 4. Added sparse-compatibility for VertexHistogram and for EdgeHistogram. - Version **0.1a5** + Various bugfixes in kernel implementations. + Added a bunch of :code:`utils` functions for external operations: transforming existing *graph formats* (csv, pandas, networkx) to the grakel native, *k-fold cross validation* with an SVM and *kernel matrix transformer* for manipulating precomputed kernel matrices in an :code:`Transformer` fashion. + **Conda** compatibility: visit ``_. ================== Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`