Source code for stream_graph.ABC.link_set

from __future__ import absolute_import
import copy
import abc

from .utils import ABC_to_string

# 2/3 Cross Compatibility
ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {'__slots__': ()})

[docs]class LinkSet(ABC): """LinkSet Object API Specification. A LinkSet can be abstractly be defined as a set of links :code:`(u, v)`. """ def __str__(self): return ABC_to_string(self, ['u', 'v']) @property @abc.abstractmethod def weighted(self): """Designate if the LinkSet has weights. Parameters ---------- None. Property. Returns ------- weights : Bool True if the links are weighted. None if the linkset is empty. """ pass @property def size(self): """Returns the size of the LinkSet. Parameters ---------- None. Property. Returns ------- size : Real The number of links. """ return sum(1 for _ in iter(self)) @property def weighted_size(self): """Returns the weighted size of the LinkSet. Parameters ---------- None. Property. Returns ------- size : Real The sum of weights of links. """ weighted = self.weighted if bool(self): if weighted: return self._weighted_size else: return self.size else: return .0 def _weighted_size(self): return sum(k[-1] for k in iter(self)) @property @abc.abstractmethod def nodeset(self): """Return the nodeset that can be derived from the LinkSet. Parameters ---------- None. Property. Returns ------- nodeset : NodeSet Returns all the nodes that appear in links. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __bool__(self): """Implementation of the :code:`bool` casting of a LinkSet object. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- out : Bool Return True if an object is **both** initialized and contains information. """ pass
# Python2 cross-compatibility def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def neighbors_of(self, u=None, direction='out'): """Return the nodeset of a neighbors of a node. Parameters ---------- u : Node_Id or None direction : string={'in', 'out', 'both'}, default='both' Returns ------- nodestream : NodeSet or NodeCollection(NodeSet) Return the ('in', 'out' or 'both') nodeset of neighbors of u. If u is None, returns a NodeCollection of its node with its neighbors. """ pass
[docs] def degree(self, u=None, direction='out', weights=False): """Return the degree of a node. Parameters ---------- u : Node_Id, default=None direction : string={'in', 'out', 'both'}, default='both' weights : bool, default=False Returns ------- nodestream : Real or NodeCollection(Real) Return the ('in', 'out' or 'both') degree of a node of u. If None returns a NodeCollection with the degree for each Node. . """ if weights and self.weighted: return self._degree_weighted(u, direction) else: return self._degree_unweighted(u, direction)
@abc.abstractmethod def _degree_weighted(self, u, direction): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _degree_unweighted(self, u, direction): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __contains__(self, l): """Implementation of the :code:`in` operator for LinkSet. Parameters ---------- l : tuple, len(l) == 2 l[0] : Node_Id or None l[1] : Node_Id or None Returns ------- contains : Bool Returns true if the (u, v) appears in the LinkSet. If u is None v can match with anything and if v is None the opposite. If both u and v is None this function should return False. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __and__(self, ls): """Implementation of the :code:`&` operator for a LinkSet object. Parameters ---------- ls : LinkSet Returns ------- out : LinkSet Returns the **intersection** of Links. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __or__(self, ls): """Implementation of the :code:`|` operator for a LinkSet object. Parameters ---------- ls : LinkSet Returns ------- out : LinkSet Returns the **union** of Links. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __sub__(self, ls): """Implementation of the :code:`-` operator for a LinkSet object. Parameters ---------- ls : LinkSet Returns ------- out : LinkStream Returns the **difference** of Links. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """Implementation of the :code:`iter` function for a LinkSet object. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- out : Iterator of tuple Each tuple is of the form (u, v) """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def issuperset(self, ls): """Check if a LinkSet contains another LinkSet. Parameters ---------- ls : LinkSet Returns ------- issuperset_f : Bool True if all links of ls appears in this LinkSet. """ pass
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): """Returns a deep or shallow copy of the current LinkSet. Parameters ---------- deep : Bool Returns ------- linkset_copy : LinkSet Returns a deep or shallow copy of the current LinkSet """ if deep: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: return copy.copy(self)
@property def as_graph(self): """Generate the graph containing this LinkSet. Parameters ---------- None. Property. Returns ------- graph : Graph Generates a Graph containing the LinkSet. """ from stream_graph import Graph return Graph(self.nodeset, self)