Source code for grakel.utils

"""A file containing useful external functions"""
# Author: Ioannis Siglidis <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import os
import numpy as np

from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Iterable

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.datasets.lfw import Bunch
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from grakel import Graph
from grakel.graph import is_adjacency as valid_matrix

[docs]class KMTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """A Kernel Matrix Transformer. Usefull for using precalculated Kernel Matrices inside scikit-learn pipeline. Parameters ---------- K : array-like, shape=[n, n] If given an array the input can be as follows: + array-like lists of lists + np.array + sparse matrix (scipy.sparse) It can also be embedded in an sklearn Bunch object as a mat (argument) Attributes ---------- K_ : numpy.array, shape=[n, n] """
[docs] def __init__(self, K=None): """Initialise the Kernel Matrix Transformer""" self.K = K self._initialized = {"K": False}
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialisation.""" if not self._initialized["K"]: if self.K is None: M = np.array([[1.0]]) else: K = self.K if isinstance(K, Bunch): try: K = K.mat except Exception: raise ValueError('If in an sklearn Bunch K must be under mat') flag, M = valid_matrix(K, transform=True) if not flag: raise ValueError('The provided K cannot be converted to a ' 'two dimensional np.array.') self.K_ = M self._initialized["K"] = True
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit a list of indeces. Parameters ---------- X : Iterable of int: Indexes for the X of the kernel matrix. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ self.initialize() if any(x < 0 or x > self.K_.shape[0] for x in X): raise ValueError('') else: self.X = np.array(X) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """Fit and transform, on the same dataset. Parameters ---------- X : Iterable of int Indexes for the first dimension of the kernel matrix. y : None There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- K : numpy array, shape = [len(X), len(X)] Corresping to the values of the X indexes with themselfs. """ # Initialize the Graph Kernel self.initialize() if any(x < 0 or x > self.K_.shape[0] for x in X): raise ValueError('') else: self.X = np.array(X) return self.K_[self.X, :][:, self.X]
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset. Parameters ---------- X : Iterable of int Indexes for the second dimension of the kernel matrix. Returns ------- K : numpy array, shape = [len(Y), len(X)] Corresping to the values of the Y indexes with X. """ check_is_fitted(self, 'X') if any(x < 0 or x > self.K_.shape[0] for x in X): raise ValueError('') return self.K_[X, :][:, self.X]
[docs]def cross_validate_Kfold_SVM(K, y, n_iter=10, n_splits=10, C_grid=None, random_state=None, scoring="accuracy", fold_reduce=None): """Cross Validate a list of precomputed kernels with an SVM. Parameters ---------- K : list A list that must contain either numpy arrays or iterables of numpy arrays. y : list List of lists that for every element of K contains numbers of score for all iterations. n_iter : int Number of iteration for the K-Fold. n_splits : int Number of splits for the K-Fold. random_state : RandomState or int, default=None A random number generator instance or an int to initialize a RandomState as a seed. fold_reduce : callable or None A function that summarizes information between all folds. Input must be a list of n_splits elements corresponding to scoring. If None default is np.mean. scoring : string, callable, list/tuple, dict or None, default: None As in ``scoring`` in :xref:`lgscv`. Returns ------- out : list A list that contains a list of the reduced folds for each iteration, for each primary element of K. """ # Initialise C_grid if C_grid is None: C_grid = ((10. ** np.arange(-7, 7, 2)) / len(y)).tolist() elif type(C_grid) is np.array: C_grid = np.squeeze(C_grid) if len(C_grid.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('C_grid should either be None or a squeezable to 1 dimension np.array') else: C_grid = list(C_grid) # Initialise fold_reduce: if fold_reduce is None: fold_reduce = np.mean elif not isinstance(callable, fold_reduce): raise ValueError('fold_reduce should be a callable') # Initialise and check random state random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # Initialise sklearn pipeline objects kfolder = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, random_state=random_state, shuffle=True) estimator = make_pipeline(KMTransformer(), SVC(kernel='precomputed')) # Make all the requested folds nfolds = tuple(tuple(kfolder.split(y)) for _ in range(n_iter)) out = list() for ks in K: mid = list() if valid_matrix(ks): pg = {"svc__C": C_grid, "kmtransformer__K": [Bunch(mat=ks)]} elif isinstance(ks, Iterable) and all(valid_matrix(k) for k in ks): pg = [{"svc__C": C_grid, "kmtransformer__K": [Bunch(mat=k)]} for k in ks] else: raise ValueError('Not a valid object for kernel matrix/ces') for kfolds in nfolds: fold_info = list() for train, test in kfolds: gs = GridSearchCV(estimator, param_grid=pg, scoring=scoring, cv=ShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.1, random_state=random_state)).fit(train, y[train]) fold_info.append(gs.score(test, y[test])) mid.append(fold_reduce(fold_info)) out.append(mid) return out
[docs]def graph_from_networkx(X, node_labels_tag=None, edge_labels_tag=None, edge_weight_tag=None, as_Graph=False): """Transform an iterable of networkx objects to an iterable of Graphs. A function for helping a user that has a collection of graphs in networkx to use grakel. Parameters ---------- node_labels_tag : str or None Define where to search for labels of nodes, inside the `node` attribute of each graph. If None no labels are assigned. edge_labels_tag : tuple Define where to search for labels of edges, inside the `edge` attribute of each graph. If None no labels are assigned. edge_weight_tag : int Define where to search for weights inside the `edge` attribute of each graph. If None 1.0 weights are assigned. as_Graph : bool, default=False Return each output as a grakel.Graph object. Returns ------- grakel_graphs : generator Returns a generator containing the same collections to be given as an input for any grakel kernel. """ import networkx as nx v2 = False if nx.__version__ > '2.': v2 = True if node_labels_tag is None: def nodel_init(): return None def nodel_put(*args): pass elif type(node_labels_tag) is str: def nodel_init(): return dict() def nodel_put(nl, u, d): nl[u] = d[u][node_labels_tag] else: raise ValueError('node_labels_tag must be a str indicating the ' 'tag of the labels inside nodes or None') if edge_labels_tag is None: def edgel_init(): return None def edgel_put(*args): pass elif type(edge_labels_tag) is str: def edgel_init(): return dict() if v2: def edgel_put(el, u, d): el[u] = d[u][edge_labels_tag] else: def edgel_put(el, u, d): el[u] = d[u[0]][u[1]][edge_labels_tag] else: raise ValueError('edge_labels_tag must be a str indicating the ' 'tag of the labels inside edges or None') if edge_weight_tag is None: def get_weight(*args): return 1.0 elif type(edge_weight_tag) is str: if v2: def get_weight(d, e): return d[e][edge_weight_tag] else: def get_weight(d, e): return d[e[0]][e[1]][edge_weight_tag] else: raise ValueError('weight_labels_tag must be a str indicating ' 'tag of the labels inside edges or None (1.0)') if not isinstance(X, Iterable): raise ValueError('X must be an iterable') if v2: def take_ne(graph): return graph.nodes, graph.edges else: def take_ne(graph): return graph.node, graph.edge for G in X: graph_object = dict() nl = nodel_init() el = edgel_init() nodes, edges = take_ne(G) for u in G.nodes(): graph_object[u] = dict() nodel_put(nl, u, nodes) for v in G.neighbors(u): graph_object[u][v] = get_weight(edges, (u, v)) edgel_put(el, (u, v), edges) if as_Graph: yield Graph(graph_object, nl, el) else: yield [graph_object, nl, el]
[docs]def graph_from_pandas(edge_df, node_df=None, directed=False, as_Graph=False): """Produces a collection of Graph Objects from pandas dataframes. A function for helping a user that has a bunch of graph csv files make a collection for grakel input. Parameters ---------- edge_df : tuple(pandas.DataFrame, pct, tuple(pct, pct), pct or None, pct or list(pct) or None) A tuple of many elements: 1. A pandas dataframe containing all the edges of a collection of graphs 2. The column name of the graph index 3. A tuple containing source and destination column names 4. The column name of weights column (None if non-existent) 5. The column name pointing the column containing edge-labels or a list pointing the columns of attributes (None if edge-labels are non-existent). If node_df exists, correspondance of graph indexes and node indexes must be exact. node_df : tuple(pandas.DataFrame, pct, pct or list(pct) or None) or None, default=None A tuple of many elements: 1. A pandas dataframe containing all the nodes of a collection of graphs 2. The column name of the graph index 3. The column name pointing the column containing node-labels or a list pointing the columns of attributes (None if node-labels are non-existent). Node id must correspond to node number. directed : bool, default=False A variable indicating with True if both directions of the graph have been inserted inside the dataframe. Otherwise the graph is considered as undirected. as_Graph : bool, default=False Return each output as a grakel.Graph object. Returns ------- grakel_graphs : dict Dictionary with keys te keys of the graphs inside the pandas dataframe and values the corresponding graph object """ from pandas import DataFrame if node_df is None: graphs = dict() throw_error = False elif (type(node_df) is tuple and len(node_df) == 3 and type(node_df[0]) is DataFrame and (node_df[1] is None or node_df[1] in node_df[0].columns) and (node_df[2] is None or (type(node_df[2]) is not list and node_df[2] in node_df[0].columns) or (type(node_df[2]) is list and all(i in node_df[0].columns for i in node_df[2])))): df, gtag, labs = node_df graphs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) if labs is None: for index, row in df.iterrows(): gidx = row[gtag] graphs[gidx]["graph"][index] = dict() graphs[gidx]["node_label"] = None elif type(labs) is list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): gidx = row[gtag] graphs[gidx]["graph"][index] = dict() graphs[gidx]["node_label"][index] = np.array(row[c] for c in labs) else: for index, row in df.iterrows(): gidx = row[gtag] graphs[gidx]["graph"][index] = dict() graphs[gidx]["node_label"][index] = row[labs] throw_error = True else: raise ValueError('node_df must be a tuple containing a pandas.DataFrame object ' 'a column name corresponding to the valid column index for graphs indexes ' 'and a None, column name or list of column names corresponding to no-labels, ' 'labels or attributes.') if (type(edge_df) is tuple and len(edge_df) == 5 and type(edge_df[0]) is DataFrame and (edge_df[1] in edge_df[0].columns) and (type(edge_df[2]) is tuple and len(edge_df[2]) == 2 and all(c in edge_df[0].columns for c in edge_df[2])) and (edge_df[3] is None or edge_df[3] in edge_df[0].columns) and (edge_df[4] is None or (type(edge_df[4]) is not list and edge_df[4] in edge_df[0].columns) or (type(edge_df[4]) is list and all(c in edge_df[0].columns for c in edge_df[4])))): df, gtag, (src_c, dst_c), w_c, labs = edge_df if w_c is not None: def get_weight(row): return row[w_c] else: def get_weight(row): return 1. if labs is None: def set_label(*args): pass elif type(labs) is list: def set_label(row, d, e): if d["edge_label"] is None: d["edge_label"] = dict() el = np.array([row[l] for l in labs]) d["edge_label"][e] = el if not directed: d["edge_label"][(e[1], e[0])] = el else: def set_label(row, d, e): if d["edge_label"] is None: d["edge_label"] = dict() el = row[labs] d["edge_label"][e] = el if not directed: d["edge_label"][(e[1], e[0])] = el for index, row in df.iterrows(): src, dst = row[src_c], row[dst_c] gidx = row[gtag] if gidx not in graphs: if throw_error: raise ValueError('This graph didn\'t appear on node labels dataframe') else: graphs[gidx] = dict() graphs[gidx]["graph"] = dict() if "node_label" not in graphs[gidx]: graphs[gidx]["node_label"] = None graphs[gidx]["edge_label"] = None if src not in graphs[gidx]["graph"]: if throw_error: raise ValueError('This node didn\'t appear on node labels dataframe for graph ' 'with id ' + str(gidx)) else: graphs[gidx]["graph"][src] = dict() graphs[gidx]["graph"][src][dst] = get_weight(row) if not directed: if dst not in graphs[gidx]["graph"]: if throw_error: raise ValueError('This node didn\'t appear on node labels dataframe ' 'for graph with id ' + str(gidx)) else: graphs[gidx]["graph"][dst] = dict() graphs[gidx]["graph"][dst][src] = get_weight(row) set_label(row, graphs[gidx], (src, dst)) else: raise ValueError('edge_df must be a tuple containing a pandas.DataFrame object ' 'a column name corresponding to a valid column index of the dataframe ' 'that contain the index of the graph that an edge belongs inside the ' 'dataframe, a column name corresponding to weights inside the dataframe' '(or None if weights do not exist) and a list of column names ' 'corresponding or column name corresponding to labels or None ' 'if none of this exists') return {k: Graph(graphs[k]["graph"], graphs[k]["node_label"], graphs[k]["edge_label"]) if as_Graph else [graphs[k]["graph"], graphs[k]["node_label"], graphs[k]["edge_label"]] for k in graphs.keys()}
[docs]def graph_from_csv(edge_files, node_files=None, index_type=str, directed=False, sep=",", as_Graph=False): """Produces a collection of Graph Objects from a collection of csv files. A function for helping a user that has a bunch of graph csv files make a collection for grakel input. Parameters ---------- edge_files : tuple(iter(str), bool, bool or None) edge_files = (iter(<edge_file_address>), <weight_flag>, <attributes_flag>). Each line of all the edge files must have the following structure: .. code:: <v_i><sep><v_j>[weight][labels/attr] weights: "<sep><weight>", <weight_flag> is True "", <weight_flag> is False labels/attr: "<sep><label>", <attributes_flag> is False "<sep><a_1>, .. , <sep><a_n>", <attributes_flag> is True "", <attributes_flag> is None node_files : tuple(iter(str), bool) or None, default=None node_files = (iter(<node_file_address>), index_type, <attributes_flag>). Each line of the node file must have the following structure (if exists): .. code:: <v_i><sep>[labels/attr] labels/attr: "<sep><label>", <attributes_flag> is False "<sep><a_1>, .. , <sep><a_n>", <attributes_flag> is True "", <attributes_flag> is None directed : bool, default=False Defines if the graph should be considered as directed. sep : str, default="," The separator for the csv files. as_Graph : bool, default=False Return each output as a grakel.Graph object. Returns ------- grakel_graphs : generator Returns a generator containing the same collections to be given as an input for any grakel kernel. """ def edge_files_error(): raise ValueError('edge_file argument must contain an iterable of strings of edge files, ' 'a bool weight_flag and attributes_flag bool or None') def node_files_error(): raise ValueError('node_files argument can be None or contain an iterable of strings' 'of edge files and attributes_flag bool or None') if type(index_type) is not type: raise ValueError('index_type must be a class `type` object') if (type(edge_files) is not tuple or len(edge_files) != 3 or type(edge_files[1]) is not bool or type(edge_files[2]) not in [bool, None]): edge_files_error() else: if edge_files[1]: def get_weight(l): return float(l.pop(0)) else: def get_weight(l): return 1.0 efs = list() for e in edge_files[0]: if type(e) is not str: edge_files_error() if not os.path.isfile(e): raise ValueError('Each edge file address must be a valid address') efs.append(e) if type(node_files) is None: nfs = None elif (type(node_files) is tuple and len(node_files) == 2 and type(node_files[1]) in [bool, None]): nfs = list() for n in node_files[0]: if type(n) is not str: edge_files_error() if not os.path.isfile(n): raise ValueError('Each edge file address must be a valid address') nfs.append(n) else: node_files_error() if edge_files[2] is None: def get_el(ef, g): el = None for line in ef: q = line.split(sep) m = q[2:] ea, eb = [index_type(e) for e in q[:2]] g[ea][eb] = get_weight(m) if not directed: g[eb][ea] = g[ea][eb] return el elif edge_files[2]: def get_el(ef, g): el = dict() for line in ef: q = line.strip('\n').split(sep) ea, eb = [index_type(e) for e in q[:2]] m = q[2:] g[ea][eb] = get_weight(m) el[(ea, eb)] = np.array([float(num) for num in m]) if not directed: el[(eb, ea)] = el[(ea, eb)] g[eb][ea] = g[ea][eb] return el else: def get_el(ef, g): el = dict() for line in ef: q = line.strip('\n').split(sep) ea, eb = [index_type(e) for e in q[:2]] m = q[2:] g[ea][eb] = get_weight(m) el[(ea, eb)] = str(m[0]) if not directed: el[(eb, ea)] = el[(ea, eb)] g[eb][ea] = g[ea][eb] return el if nfs is None: for efa in efs: nl = None graph_object = defaultdict(dict) with open(efa, 'r') as ef: el = get_el(ef, graph_object) graph_object = dict(graph_object) if as_Graph: yield Graph(graph_object, nl, el) else: yield [graph_object, nl, el] else: if len(nfs) != len(efs): raise ValueError('The number of edge files and the number of node files must be the same') for (nfa, efa) in zip(nfs, efs): graph_object = dict() with open(nfa, 'r') as nf: if node_files[1] is None: nl = None for line in nf: graph_object[index_type(line.strip('\n').split(sep)[0].strip())] = dict() elif node_files[1]: nl = dict() for line in nf: q = line.strip('\n').split(sep) graph_object[index_type(q[0].strip())] = dict() nl[index_type(q[0].strip())] = np.array([float(i.strip()) for i in q[1:]]) else: nl = dict() for line in nf: q = line.strip('\n').split(sep) graph_object[index_type(q[0].strip())] = dict() nl[index_type(q[0].strip())] = q[1] with open(efa, 'r') as ef: el = get_el(ef, graph_object) if as_Graph: yield Graph(graph_object, nl, el) else: yield [graph_object, nl, el]