
grakel.graph_from_networkx(X, node_labels_tag=None, edge_labels_tag=None, edge_weight_tag=None, as_Graph=False)[source][source]

Transform an iterable of networkx objects to an iterable of Graphs.

A function for helping a user that has a collection of graphs in networkx to use grakel.

node_labels_tagstr or None

Define where to search for labels of nodes, inside the node attribute of each graph. If None no labels are assigned.


Define where to search for labels of edges, inside the edge attribute of each graph. If None no labels are assigned.


Define where to search for weights inside the edge attribute of each graph. If None 1.0 weights are assigned.

as_Graphbool, default=False

Return each output as a grakel.Graph object.


Returns a generator containing the same collections to be given as an input for any grakel kernel.

Examples using grakel.graph_from_networkx