
class grakel.Kernel(n_jobs=None, normalize=False, verbose=False)[source][source]

A general class for graph kernels.

At default a kernel is considered as pairwise. Doing so the coder that adds a new kernel, possibly only needs to overwrite the attributes: parse_input and pairwise_operation on the new kernel object.

n_jobsint or None, optional

Defines the number of jobs of a joblib.Parallel objects needed for parallelization or None for direct execution.

normalizebool, optional

Normalize the output of the graph kernel.

verbosebool, optional

Define if messages will be printed on stdout.


Stores the input that occurs from parse input, on fit input data. Default format of the list objects is grakel.graph.graph.


Stores in which type the graphs will need to be stored.


Defines if two print arguments on stdout.


Defines if normalization will be applied on the kernel matrix.


Holds the default valid parameters names for initialization.

An inside enumeration defines which method calls another method.
  • 1 stands for fit

  • 2 stands for fit_transform

  • 3 stands for transform

_parallelsklearn.external.joblib.Parallel or None

A Parallel initialized object to imply parallelization to kernel execution. The use of this object depends on the implementation of each base kernel.



Calculate the kernel matrix diagonal of the fit/transformed data.

fit(self, X[, y])

Fit a dataset, for a transformer.

fit_transform(self, X)

Fit and transform, on the same dataset.

get_params(self[, deep])

Get parameters for this estimator.


Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialisation.

pairwise_operation(self, x, y)

Calculate a pairwise kernel between two elements.

parse_input(self, X)

Parse the given input and raise errors if it is invalid.

set_params(self, \*\*params)

Call the parent method.

transform(self, X)

Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset.

__init__ for kernel object.




Calculate the kernel matrix diagonal of the fit/transformed data.

fit(self, X[, y])

Fit a dataset, for a transformer.

fit_transform(self, X)

Fit and transform, on the same dataset.

get_params(self[, deep])

Get parameters for this estimator.


Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialisation.

pairwise_operation(self, x, y)

Calculate a pairwise kernel between two elements.

parse_input(self, X)

Parse the given input and raise errors if it is invalid.

set_params(self, \*\*params)

Call the parent method.

transform(self, X)

Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset.

__init__(self, n_jobs=None, normalize=False, verbose=False)[source][source]

__init__ for kernel object.


Calculate the kernel matrix diagonal of the fit/transformed data.


The diagonal of the kernel matrix between the fitted data. This consists of each element calculated with itself.


The diagonal of the kernel matrix, of the transform. This consists of each element calculated with itself.

fit(self, X, y=None)[source][source]

Fit a dataset, for a transformer.


Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). The train samples.


There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter.

Returns self.
fit_transform(self, X)[source][source]

Fit and transform, on the same dataset.


Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples.


There is no need of a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter.

Knumpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs]

corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features

get_params(self, deep=True)[source]

Get parameters for this estimator.

deepbool, default=True

If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.

paramsmapping of string to any

Parameter names mapped to their values.


Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialisation.

pairwise_operation(self, x, y)[source][source]

Calculate a pairwise kernel between two elements.

x, yObject

Objects as occur from parse_input.


The kernel value.

parse_input(self, X)[source][source]

Parse the given input and raise errors if it is invalid.


For the input to pass the test, we must have: Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.


List of graph type objects.

set_params(self, **params)[source][source]

Call the parent method.

transform(self, X)[source][source]

Calculate the kernel matrix, between given and fitted dataset.


Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure (adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is node_labels and the third edge_labels (that fitting the given graph format). If None the kernel matrix is calculated upon fit data. The test samples.

Knumpy array, shape = [n_targets, n_input_graphs]

corresponding to the kernel matrix, a calculation between all pairs of graphs between target an features
