"""Multiscale Laplacian Graph Kernel as defined in :cite:`kondor2016multiscale`."""
# Author: Ioannis Siglidis <y.siglidis@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# Python 2/3 cross-compatibility import
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numbers import Real
from math import exp
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from numpy.linalg import eig
from numpy.linalg import inv
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot
from numpy.linalg import eigvals
from grakel.graph import Graph
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import laplacian
from grakel.kernels import Kernel
positive_eigenvalue_limit = float("+1e-6")
[docs]class MultiscaleLaplacian(Kernel):
"""Laplacian Graph Kernel as proposed in :cite:`kondor2016multiscale`.
random_state : RandomState or int, default=None
A random number generator instance or an int to initialize a RandomState as a seed.
L : int, default=3
The number of neighborhoods.
gamma : Real, default=0.01
A smoothing parameter of float value.
heta : float, default=0.01
A smoothing parameter of float value.
P : int, default=10
Restrict the maximum number of eigenvalues, taken on eigenvalue decomposition.
n_samples : int, default=50
The number of vertex samples.
random_state_ : RandomState
A RandomState object handling all randomness of the class.
_data_level : dict
A dictionary containing the feature basis information needed
for each level calculation on transform.
_graph_format = "adjacency"
[docs] def __init__(self,
normalize=False, verbose=False,
"""Initialise a `multiscale_laplacian` kernel."""
super(MultiscaleLaplacian, self).__init__(
self.random_state = random_state
self.gamma = gamma
self.heta = heta
self.L = L
self.P = P
self.n_samples = n_samples
self._initialized.update({"random_state": False, "gamma": False,
"heta": False, "L": False, "n_samples": False, "P": False})
def initialize(self):
"""Initialize all transformer arguments, needing initialization."""
super(MultiscaleLaplacian, self).initialize()
if not self._initialized["random_state"]:
self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state)
self._initialized["random_state"] = True
if not self._initialized["gamma"]:
if not isinstance(self.gamma, Real):
raise TypeError('gamma must be a real number')
elif self.gamma == .0:
warnings.warn('with zero gamma the calculation may crash')
elif self.gamma < 0:
raise TypeError('gamma must be positive')
self._initialized["gamma"] = True
if not self._initialized["heta"]:
if not isinstance(self.heta, Real):
raise TypeError('heta must be a real number')
elif self.heta == .0:
warnings.warn('with zero heta the calculation may crash')
elif self.heta < 0:
raise TypeError('heta must be positive')
self._initialized["heta"] = True
if not self._initialized["L"]:
if type(self.L) is not int:
raise TypeError('L must be an integer')
elif self.L < 0:
raise TypeError('L must be positive')
self._initialized["L"] = True
if not self._initialized["n_samples"]:
if type(self.n_samples) is not int or self.n_samples <= 0:
raise TypeError('n_samples must be a positive integer')
self._initialized["n_samples"] = True
if not self._initialized["P"]:
if type(self.P) is not int or self.P <= 0:
raise TypeError('P must be a positive integer')
self._initialized["P"] = True
def parse_input(self, X):
"""Fast ML Graph Kernel.
See supplementary material :cite:`kondor2016multiscale`, algorithm 1.
X : iterable
For the input to pass the test, we must have:
Each element must be an iterable with at most three features and at
least one. The first that is obligatory is a valid graph structure
(adjacency matrix or edge_dictionary) while the second is
node_labels and the third edge_labels (that correspond to the given
graph format). A valid input also consists of graph type objects.
out : list
A list of tuples with S matrices inverses
and their 4th-root determinants.
if not isinstance(X, collections.Iterable):
raise TypeError('input must be an iterable\n')
ng = 0
out = list()
data = dict()
neighborhoods = dict()
for (idx, x) in enumerate(iter(X)):
is_iter = False
if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable):
is_iter, x = True, list(x)
if is_iter and len(x) in [0, 2, 3]:
if len(x) == 0:
warnings.warn('Ignoring empty element ' +
'on index: '+str(idx))
x = Graph(x[0], x[1], {}, self._graph_format)
elif type(x) is Graph:
raise TypeError('each element of X must be either a '
'graph or an iterable with at least 1 '
'and at most 3 elements\n')
phi_d = x.get_labels()
A = x.get_adjacency_matrix()
phi = np.array([list(phi_d[i]) for i in range(A.shape[0])])
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('Features must be iterable and castable '
'in total to a numpy array.')
Lap = laplacian(A).astype(float)
_increment_diagonal_(Lap, self.heta)
data[ng] = {0: A, 1: phi, 2: inv(Lap)}
neighborhoods[ng] = x
ng += 1
if ng == 0:
raise ValueError('parsed input is empty')
# Define a function for calculating the S's of subgraphs of each iteration
def calculate_C(k, j, l):
if type(neighborhoods[k]) is Graph:
neighborhoods[k] = neighborhoods[k].produce_neighborhoods(
r=self.L, sort_neighbors=False)
indexes = neighborhoods[k][l][j]
L = laplacian(data[k][0][indexes, :][:, indexes]).astype(float)
_increment_diagonal_(L, self.heta)
U = data[k][1][indexes, :]
S = multi_dot((U.T, inv(L), U))
_increment_diagonal_(S, self.gamma)
return (inv(S), np.sum(np.log(np.real(eigvals(S)))))
if self._method_calling == 1:
V = [(k, j) for k in range(ng)
for j in range(data[k][0].shape[0])]
ns = min(len(V), self.n_samples)
vs = V[:ns]
phi_k = np.array([data[k][1][j, :] for (k, j) in vs])
# w the eigen vectors, v the eigenvalues
K = phi_k.dot(phi_k.T)
# Calculate eigenvalues
v, w = eig(K)
v, w = np.real(v), np.real(w.T)
# keep only the positive
vpos = np.argpartition(v, -self.P)[-self.P:]
vpos = vpos[np.where(v[vpos] > positive_eigenvalue_limit)]
# ksi.shape = (k, Ns) * (Ns, P)
ksi = w[vpos].dot(phi_k).T / np.sqrt(v[vpos])
for j in range(ng):
# (n_samples, k) * (k, P)
data[j][1] = data[j][1].dot(ksi)
self._data_level = {0: ksi}
for l in range(1, self.L+1):
# Take random samples from all the vertices of all graphs
vs = V[:ns]
# Compute the reference subsampled Gram matrix
K_proj = {k: np.zeros(shape=(data[k][0].shape[0], ns)) for k in range(ng)}
K, C = np.zeros(shape=(len(vs), len(vs))), dict()
for (m, (k, j)) in enumerate(vs):
C[m] = calculate_C(k, j, l)
K_proj[k][j, m] = K[m, m] = self.pairwise_operation(C[m], C[m])
for (s, (k2, j2)) in enumerate(vs):
if s < m:
K[s, m] = K[m, s] \
= K_proj[k2][j2, m] \
= K_proj[k][j, s] \
= self.pairwise_operation(C[s], C[m])
# Compute the kernels of the relations of the reference to everything else
for (k, j) in V[ns:]:
for (m, _) in enumerate(vs):
K_proj[k][j, m] = self.pairwise_operation(C[m], calculate_C(k, j, l))
# w the eigen vectors, v the eigenvalues
v, w = eig(K)
v, w = np.real(v), np.real(w.T)
# keep only the positive
vpos = np.argpartition(v, -self.P)[-self.P:]
vpos = vpos[np.where(v[vpos] > positive_eigenvalue_limit)]
# Q shape=(k, P)
Q = w[vpos].T / np.sqrt(v[vpos])
for j in range(ng):
# (n, ns) * (ns, P)
data[j][1] = K_proj[j].dot(Q)
self._data_level[l] = (C, Q)
elif self._method_calling == 3:
ksi = self._data_level[0]
for j in range(ng):
# (n, k) * (k, P)
data[j][1] = data[j][1].dot(ksi)
for l in range(1, self.L+1):
C, Q = self._data_level[l]
for j in range(ng):
K_proj = np.zeros(shape=(data[j][0].shape[0], len(C)))
for n in range(data[j][0].shape[0]):
for m in range(len(C)):
K_proj[n, m] = self.pairwise_operation(C[m], calculate_C(j, n, l))
data[j][1] = K_proj.dot(Q)
# Apply the final calculation of S.
for k in range(ng):
S = multi_dot((data[k][1].T, data[k][2], data[k][1]))
_increment_diagonal_(S, self.gamma)
out.append((inv(S), np.sum(np.log(np.real(eigvals(S))))))
return out
def pairwise_operation(self, x, y):
"""FLG calculation for the fast multiscale laplacian.
x, y : tuple
An np.array of inverse and the log determinant of S
(for the calculation of S matrices see the algorithm 1
of the supplement material in cite:`kondor2016multiscale`).
kernel : number
The FLG core kernel value.
S_inv_x, log_det_x = x
S_inv_y, log_det_y = y
# Calculate the result in term of logs
log_detS = -np.sum(np.log(np.real(eigvals(S_inv_x + S_inv_y))))
logr = (log_detS - 0.5*(log_det_x + log_det_y))/2.0
if logr < -30:
return .0
return exp(logr)
def _increment_diagonal_(A, value):
"""Increment the diagonal of an array by a value.
A : np.array
The array whose diagonal will be extracted.
value : number
The value that will be incremented on the diagonal.
d = A.diagonal()
d += value