Elementary Definitions¶
In this section we will walk through some elementary definitions of derived properties or measures in a Graphs and proceed to their temporal-generalizations, inside the theoretical framework of Graphs.
Number of Nodes¶
In a classical graph \(G\), the number of nodes
In a stream-graph \(S\), this is generalized by defining the number of nodes to be:
where \(n_{u} \leq 1\) is called the contribution of a node and is equal to \(1\) iff a node exists during the the whole timeset.
As \(W \subseteq V \times T\), \(n_{S} = \frac{|W|}{|T|} \leq |V|\) and equality exists iff all nodes appear during all the time, defined by the timeset \(T\).
A very simple measure of the stream-graph, that can show us in what amount our temporal-node-set is dynamic, is called the coverage:
As \(W \subseteq V \times T\), this measure will always be less or equal to \(1\) and equal iff all nodes appear for all the time, that is defined by the timeset \(T\). Notice that:
So as this ratio goes to 1, the nodes of the graph, can more be conceived as being static.
Number of edges¶
In a classical graph \(G\), the number of edges:
In a stream-graph \(S\), this is generalized by defining the number of links to be:
where \(m_{uv} \leq 1\) is called the contribution of a link and is equal to \(1\) if the link exists during the the whole timeset.
In a classical graph \(G\), the density is defined as:
In a stream-graph \(S\), this is generalized by defining the density as:
Similar to that we can define the density of a node as:
and the density of a link as:
Note that in all of the above measures if the denominator is zero, the measure is defined as being zero.